Today we have started work on our 10th hotel: a 4-star superior with 177 rooms that will be located in front of the BARÇA Sports City.

With the opening of this hotel we will have a total of 1,879 rooms, of which 1,420 will be in the Barcelona area. This fact will strengthen our position in the area, making us one of the hotel chains with the highest volume of rooms in this strategic destination.


Ubicado frente a la Ciudad Deportiva Joan Gamper del Fútbol Club Barcelona, las sinergias entre el mundo del deporte, el ocio y la empresa están garantizadas.

Located in front of the Joan Gamper Sports City of the Barcelona Football Club, synergies between the world of sports, leisure and business are guaranteed.


The beginning of the new section of Diagonal will be located precisely in the area where our hotel is located. Without a doubt, this urban planning action will revolutionize and further enrich all the surroundings of the hotel and its access to Barcelona, ​​the airport and other points of interest.


El nuevo hotel de la cadena destaca por un interiorismo boutique que apuesta por materiales nobles, fusión de texturas, luces indirectas y calidez dorada en sus tonos. El estudio de arquitectura que firma este proyecto, Batlle y Roig, es una referencia nacional tanto en el ámbito de edificaciones como en el de planeamientos urbanísticos.

The chain’s new hotel stands out for its boutique interior design that relies on noble materials, fusion of textures, indirect lighting and golden warmth in its tones. The architecture studio that signed this project, Batlle y Roig, is a national reference both in the field of buildings and in urban planning.